Intermediate Wheatgrass Bibliography

Intermediate Wheatgrass Research: 2014 - 2017

Peer-reviewed Publications

  1. Michael Kantar, Catrin Tyl, Kevin Dorn, Xiaofei Zhang (co-first author), Jacob Jungers, Joe Kaser, Rachel Schendel, James Eckberg, Bryan Runck, Mirko Bunzel, Nick Jordan, Robert Stupar, David Marks, James Anderson, Gregg Johnson, Craig Sheaffer, Tonya Schoenfuss, Baraem Ismail, George Heimpel, Donald Wyse. Perennial Grain and Oilseed Crops. Accepted by Annual Review of Plant Biology
  2. Xiaofei Zhang, Ahmad Sallam, Liangliang Gao, Traci Kantarski, Jesse Poland, Donald L. Wyse, Lee DeHaan, James A. Anderson. Establishment and optimization of genomic selection to accelerate the domestication of intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium). The Plant Genome doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2015.07.0059
  3. Xiaofei Zhang, Jae-Bom Ohm, Steven Haring, Lee R. DeHaan, James A. Anderson (2015) Towards the understanding of end-use quality in intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium): high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits, protein polymerization, and mixing characteristics. Journal of Cereal Science 66: 81–88.
  4. Lee R. DeHaan, Shuwen Wang, Steven R. Larson, Douglas J. Cattani, Xiaofei Zhang, Traci Viinanen (2014) Current efforts to develop perennial wheat and domesticate Thinopyrum intermedium as a perennial grain. In: Batello C., Wade L., Cox S., Pogan N., Bozzini A., and Choptiany J. (ed) Perennial crops for food security: proceedings of the FAO expert workshop. FAO, Rome, Italy, pp72-89.
  5. Xiaofei Zhang, Lee R. DeHaan, LeeAnn Higgins, Todd W. Markowski, Donald L. Wyse, James A. Anderson (2014) New insights into high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits and subgenomes of the perennial crop Thinopyrum intermedium (Triticeae). Journal of Cereal Science. 59: 203-210.
  6. Xiaofei Zhang, Steven R. Larson, Liangliang Gao, Soon Li Teh, Lee R. DeHaan, Max Fraser, Ahmad Sallam, Traci Kantarski, Katherine Frels, Jesse Poland, Donald Wyse,  James A. Anderson (2017) Uncovering the Genetic Architecture of Seed Weight and Size in Intermediate Wheatgrass through Linkage and Association Mapping. The Plant Genome doi 10.3835/plantgenome2017.03.0022
  7. Traci Kantarski, Steve Larson, Xiaofei Zhang, Lee DeHaan, Justin Borevitz, James Anderson, Jesse Poland (2016) Development of the first consensus genetic map of intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) using genotyping-by-sequencing. Theor Appl Genet doi 10.1007/s00122-016-2799-7
  8. Marti*, A., Bock, J., Pagani M, Ismail, B., Seetharaman, K.  (2016). Structural characterization of proteins in wheat flour doughs enriched with intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) flour. Food Chem. 194, 994-1002.


Conference papers

  1. Xiaofei Zhang, Liangliang Gao, Ahmad Sallam, Katherine Frels, Lee DeHaan, Don Wyse, James A. Anderson (2016) Linkage and association mapping of intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) height and seed size. Plant & Animal Genome XXIV.
  2. Presentation: Steve Larson, James A. Anderson, Xiaofei Zhang, Kevin M. Dorn, Jesse Poland, Lee DeHaan, Traci R. Kantarski, Kevin Jensen, Blair Waldron (2016) Breeding and genomic resources for intermediate wheatgrass and perennial agriculture. Plant & Animal Genome XXIV.
  3. Traci R. Kantarski, Lee DeHaan, Steve Larson, Xiaofei Zhang, Jesse Poland (2016) Developing genetic and genomic resources for intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium): a 'Breeding-Assisted Genomics' approach. Plant & Animal Genome XXIV.
  4. Presentation: Xiaofei Zhang, Ahmad Sallam, Liangliang Gao, Lee DeHaan, Jesse Poland, James A. Anderson (2015) Establishment and optimization of genomic selection to accelerate the domestication and improvement of intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) using recurrent selection. ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meeting.
  5. Traci R. Kantarski, Xiaofei Zhang (co-first author), Steve Larson, Liangliang Gao, Lee DeHaan, James Anderson, Jesse Poland. (2015) A first consensus genetic map of intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) has broad implications for wheat improvement and the contemporary domestication of a perennial cereal crop. Plant & Animal Genome XXIII.
  6. Presentation: Xiaofei Zhang, Lee DeHaan, Don Wyse, James Anderson. (2014) Improve Thinopyrum Intermedium germplasm using recurrent selection and Genotyping-By-Sequencing based genetic analysis. ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meeting.
  7. Presentation: James Anderson, Xiaofei Zhang, Lee DeHaan. (2014) Intermediate wheatgrass breeding in Minnesota. New Roots for Ecological Intensification. (International meeting for perennial crops)
  8. Presentation: Xiaofei Zhang, James Anderson. (2014) Genetic analysis of intermediate wheatgrass at the University of Minnesota. New Roots for Ecological Intensification. (International meeting for perennial crops)
  9. Presentation: Xiaofei Zhang, James Anderson. (2014) Discover genome-wide markers using genotyping-by-sequencing. GenoFest 2014, University of Minnesota Genomics Center.
  10. Xiaofei Zhang, Lee DeHaan, James A. Anderson, Donald L. Wyse. (2014) Dissecting sub-genomes of the promising perennial crop Thinopyrum intermedium using functional genes and genome-wide molecular markers. Plant & Animal Genome XXII.


Posters and Oral Presentations:

  1. Gajadeera, C., Ohm, J., Luu, M., Markowski, T., Higgins, L., B. Ismail. (2017). Proteomics Characterization of Intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) Flour Proteins. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, June 2017, Las Vegas, NV.
  2. Gajadeera, C., Dhungana J., Schoenfuss T., Ismail B. (2017). Structural Modifications of Gluten Proteins in Intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) Dough: Role of Dough Conditioner and Refinement Level. American Association of Cereal Chemists International Annual meeting, Oct 2017, San Diego, Ca
  3. Gajadeera, C., Marti, A., Cummins, A., Ismail B. (2017). Puroindolines: Impact of Their Presence on Gluten Forming Proteins. American Association of Cereal Chemists International Annual meeting, Oct 2017, San Diego, Ca.
  4. Gajadeera, C., Marti, A., B. Ismail. (2016). Effect of Bran Reduction on Gluten Secondary Structure in Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum Intermedium) Dough. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, July 2016, Chicago, IL.
  5. Gajadeera, C., Ohm, J., Whitney, K., Rahardjo, C., B. Ismail. (2016). Molecular Weight Distribution of Flour Proteins in Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum Intermedium): Impact on End-Use Quality Parameters. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, July 2016, Chicago, IL.
  6. Mathiowetz, A., Tyl, C., B. Ismail. (2016). Using Steam Treatment to Enhance Storage Stability of Grains from Perennial Intermediate Wheatgrass. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, July 2016, Chicago, IL.
  7. Rahardjo, C., Whitney, K., Simsek, S., Schoenfuss, T, Ismail, B. (2016). Chemical Characterization, Functionality, and Baking Quality of Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium), a Novel Perennial Crop (poster). Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, July 2016, Chicago, IL.
  8. Mathiowetz, A., Tyl, C., B. Ismail. (2016). Using Steam Treatment to Enhance Storage Stability of Grains from Perennial Intermediate Wheatgrass (poster). American Association of Cereal Chemists International Annual meeting, Oct 2016, Savannah, Ga.
  9. Gajadeera, C., Marti, A., B. Ismail. (2016). Effect of Bran Reduction on Gluten Secondary Structure in Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum Intermedium) Dough (oral). American Association of Cereal Chemists International Annual meeting, Oct 2016, Savannah, Ga.
  10. Rahardjo, C., Whitney, K., Simsek, S., Schoenfuss, T, Ismail, B. (2016). Chemical Characterization, Functionality, and Baking Quality of Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium), a Novel Perennial Crop. American Association of Cereal Chemists International Annual meeting, Oct 2016, Savannah, Ga.
  11. Tyl, C., B. Ismail. (2016). Intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) – a 360° evaluation (oral). American Association of Cereal Chemists International Annual meeting, Oct 2016, Savannah, Ga.
  12. Tyl, C., Marti, A., B. Ismail. (2016). Exploring the potential of perennial grain Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) as a novel food ingredient (oral). 30th EFFoST (European Federation of Food Science and Technology) International Conference, Vienna, Austria


Invited Talks:

  1. B. Ismail, Gajadeera C., Marti A. (2017). Effect of Bran Reduction on Protein Secondary Structure in Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) Dough. Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference, August 2017, St. Louis, MO
  2. B. Ismail. (2017). Insights into Kernza a Potential Food Crop. NW AACC International meeting, Minnesota Section IFT Supplier’s Day, Oct 2017, Minneapolis, MN.