In the News
- 11/24 Reinvigorating pollinators with perennial flax (CFANS)
- 9/24 Camelina-based sustainable aviation fuel takes first flight from Minnesota…
- 9/24 First 'sustainable fuel' flight takes off at MSP, represents possible futu…
- 9/24 Delta sends off first flight from MSP using Minnesota-grown sustainable fu…
- 9/24 Kernza acreage in Hastings the result of public-private partnership (Agwee…
- 8/24 The rise of regenerative farming empowers Minnesota communities (Food Serv…
- 7/24 Cargill, U of M team up on oil seed crop expansion effort (MPR News)
- 7/24 Camelina could power jets, clean up water but first it has to take on Minn…
- 7/24 Growing inspiration: How the Forever Green Initiative turns smart farming …
- 7/24 Nine Hazels Farm making a name for Minnesota hazelnuts (Agweek)
- 6/24 Simple, Clean, and Local: Sturdiwheat Mixes Keep it Simple (Meet the Minne…
- 6/24 Artisan Naan Bakery: Bringing a More Sustainable Bread to Your Table (Meet…
- 2/24 Beer, bread & biodiversity: Local business leaders promote Kernza (Mankato…
- 2/24 Cargill awards $2.5 million to FGI to research 2 novel oilseed crops (Agwe…
- 2/24 U of M research helps turn crops into jet fuel and diesel (KSTP)
- 1/24 Report Finds New Crops Could Boost Farmer Profits While Protecting MN’s Wa…
- 12/23 Camelina is a new winter oilseed that could save the Mississippi River (S…
- 11/2023 Tackling the 'big brown spot': Keeping fields in living cover could be …
- 11/2023 Kernza, a climate-friendly grain, gets the attention of brewers, distil…
- 10/23 Hazelnuts could be an emerging crop for Midwest producers (Agweek)
- 8/23 Farmers feel they finally have help on environmental pursuits (Star Tribun…
- 8/23 U of M researchers focus on improving perennial crops (WCCO)
- 7/23 Minnesota farmers among those growing the promise of Kernza (West Central …
- 6/23 Kernza: The wonder grain still building a grassroots following (Star Tribu…
- 5/2023 MN companies debut new foods, whiskey made with Kernza® (Bring Me The Ne…
- 4/2023 Tattersall Distilling to release whiskey from new, perennial grain Kernz…
- 1/2023 How To Promote Diversity And Sustainability In Cropping Systems
- 1/2023 New-crop supply chains built (Ag Update)
- 12/2022 Perennial grains: great for beer, bread and the fight against climate c…
- 11/2022 A hotter, drier future could change how we eat, how we breathe and wher…
- 11/2022 From hemp to Kernza, the hunt for more resilient food crops (Reuters)
- 10/2022 Dawson, Minnesota, pea protein plant illustrates the potential for more…
- 10/2022 Legislators tour Dawson pea plant; hear about developing crops (Marshal…
- 9/2022 How inflation and “wild weather” are affecting one family farm (Marketpl…
- 8/2022 How year-round crops could reduce farm pollution in the Mississippi Rive…
- 8/2022 Crops of the future developed by Forever Green Initiative becoming a rea…
- 7/2022 Lawmakers meet with farmers about alternative crops (KAAL)
- 5/2022 Don Wyse is growing a New Future for Farming (New York Times)
- 11/2021 Meet Paul Novotny: Continuous Living Cover farmer, steward & community …
- 4/2021 Clean Water Kitchen: Lake Pepin Legacy Alliance Staff & Board Try Kernza…
- 11/2022 A Minnesota hazelnut with unique climate fighting abilities
- 4/2021 Proposing a “ReToast” to less food waste
- 9/2020 Diversifying crop rotations improves environmental outcomes, keeps farms…
- 8/2020 Field outside St. Peter produces first Kernza crop in county
- 7/2020 Showcasing new oilseed crops from farm to table
- 10/2019 Greenhouse gas reduction potential of agricultural best management prac…
- 3/2019 Lawmakers push funding boost for U of M research on alternative crops
- 7/2018 New Crops Hold Promise for Economic Growth, Environmental Protection
- 10/2017 The grain that tastes like wheat, but grows like a prairie grass